Singular - Intern QA Engineer
We’re excited to join forces with FINKI to launch an incredible opportunity for aspiring QA Engineers.
Singular - Intern Front-End Developer
We’re excited to join forces with FINKI to launch an incredible opportunity for Front-End Development enthusiasts. If you're passionate about coding, innovation, and crafting outstanding user experiences, this is your chance to kickstart your career in a dynamic and supportive environment.
Singular - Intern Back-End Developer
We’re excited to join forces with FINKI to launch an incredible opportunity for Back-End Development enthusiasts. If you're passionate about coding, problem-solving, and building robust, efficient systems, this is your chance to kickstart your career in a dynamic and supportive environment.
Пракса во Македонски Телеком
Размислувате за професионален почеток на вашата кариера? Вклучете се во Smart Start програмата на Македонски Телеком. Учете од врвни експерти, споделувајте идеи и бидете дел од тимот којшто ја креира дигиталната иднина.
Пракса во IBORN.NET
If you're ready to take the next step in your growth and join a company that values curiosity, quality, and innovation, we’re excited to meet you! At IBORN, you’ll have the opportunity to obtain hands-on experience and launch your career as a Java Software Engineer.
Netcetera - 2024 Autumn/Winter Internship Program
Netcetera’s 2024 Autumn/Winter Internship Program is now open!
Инженер за техничка поддршка на ИТ системи
Smart Solutions, информатичка компанија од Скопје, партнер на водечките фирми во областа на информатичките технологии (Dell, Hewlett Packard/ Enterprise, Autodesk, Adobe, Symantec, Veritas, Cisco, Corel, Microsoft, VMware, Citrix, и уште многу други), специјализирана за имплементација и поддршка