Факултетот за информатички науки и компјутерско инженерство (ФИНКИ), заедно со одделот за компјутери при македонската секција IEEE, на 03.05.2018 со почеток во 11:00 часот, во амфитеатарот на ФИНКИ организираат покането предавање на тема: ,,In Space, on Earth, in the Air – Software is everywhere“.
Предавач: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jasminka Matevska, City University of Applied Sciences in Bremen
Апстракт: Digital, smart, intelligent, monitoring & control, data processing & analytics, operational, web & user interface component or service can be considered a part of a software system. Almost every domain (in space, on earth, in the air) includes software. Therefore, to be a good software engineer it is not sufficient to be proficient in the technical methodology. It is essential to “think in a system and service”, understand the domain & customer needs, be able to work in a team and communicate.
Биографија: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jasminka Matevska studied Electrical Engineering (Information- and Automation Technology at the University in Skopje and achieved the Dipl.-Ing. degree in June 1992. After the practical training as an exchange student, she became a DAAD research grant and worked in a research project at the University of Oldenburg. By the end of the project, she started working as a technical and teaching associate at the University of Applied Sciences in Bocholt. In July 2001 she changed to the research and teaching associate position at the University of Oldenburg, Software Engineering Group. She accomplished her Ph.D. with a degree Dr.-Ing. (summa cum laude) in July 2009. From May 2009 to March 2016 she worked as a software system engineer, team lead software engineering, technical lead and project manager at Airbus Defence & Space in the context of the International Space Station (ISS) Program, Columbus Project and the European Data Relay Satellite (EDRS) – C Project. In March 2016 she was appointed to the professorship of practical computer science/software engineering at the City University of Applied Sciences in Bremen. She is teaching Software and Systems Engineering, Computer Networks and Software Project Management. She is ISTQB Certified Tester and INCOSE Certified Systems Engineering Professional (CSEP). Prof. Matevska is married and has two children.