На 07.11.2016 година, со почеток во 13:00 часот во Амфитеатарот на ФИНКИ, Одделот за компјутери и Одделот за теорија на информации при Македонската Секција на IEEE, заедно со ФИНКИ и Институтот за Физика при ПМФ организираат покането предавање од  Dr. Alexandru I. NICOLIN, Horia Hulubei National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Department of Computational Physics and Information Technologies на тема:



Statistical analyses of languages as a research tool in humanistic and social sciences


Abstract: Empowered by a series of computer-based statistical instruments for the distribution of words we argue that the analyses of text corpora can provided insightful information on the dynamics of the core vocabulary of a language, the artistic patterns of authors, the lifetime of words and their distribution across disciplines/fields, etc. By applying these statistical instruments to blogs, forums, and informal media in general one can obtain detailed information on the interests, concerns, attitudes, etc. of users of digital media. Finally, we argue these statistical analyses of text corpora belong to the general field of Big Data for which there are numerous funding opportunities with Horizon 2020.



Биографијата на кандидатот е дадена на следниот линк: http://cc.ifin.ro/docs/AlN-cv.pdf