Гостинското предавање на тема Heart monitoring of industrial tooling machines ќе се одржи на 31.10.2023 со почеток од 13:00 часот во Амфитеатарот на Финки од страна на Игор Томовски (Data engineer) и Атанас Ивановски (Operations manager) од Kessler.
- Who is this 100 years old company, KESSLER?
- Products & Applications
- Digital system solutions
- Project examples
Igor Tomovski (Data engineer)
Almost 25 years of experience in both industry and the academy sector, and a professional and scientific focus set on dynamical and complex systems analysis, system identification and control, directed towards development of practical applications for variety of industrial processes.
Atanas Ivanovski (Operations manager)
Experienced professional in telecommunication and industry sector, starting from projects technical implementation and operations of network infrastructures, proceeded by business development and management.