На 1.11.2019 г. (петок) со почеток во 12:00 часот, во амфитеатарот на ФИНКИ ќе се одржи предавање на тема „The use of assistive technology and robotics in treatment of children with autism“ од вон. проф. Д-р Татајана Зорчец. Предавањето е заедничка активност на здружениот оддел за Едукација, Роботика и автоматика и Системи, човек и кибернетика (E/RA/SMC) и одделот за компјутери од македонската секција на IEEE, а е поддржано од ФИНКИ.
Во продолжение е апстрактот од предавањето и кусата биографија на предавачот.
Autism is a developmental disorder of variable severity that is characterized by difficulty in social interaction and communication and by restricted or repetitive patterns of thought and behavior. In this talk a general info about autism, its characteristics, etiology, prevalence and treatments will be presented. Furthermore, the use of assistive technology and robotics as tools to improve the functional capabilities of persons with autism will be shown.
One of the robots contemporary used in interventions of children with autism is Kaspar. Kaspar is a child-sized humanoid robot designed as a social companion to improve the lives of children with autism and other communication difficulties.
By interacting and behaving in a child-like way, Kaspar helps teachers and parents support children with autism to overcome the challenges they face in socializing and communicating with others.
Short bio of prof. Zorcec
Tatjana Zorcec is psychologist. She holds MSc and PhD in medical sciences, specialization in clinical psychology and is employed as associate professor at the Medical Faculty in Skopje. Since 2010, she has been appointed as a National Coordinator for Autism by the Macedonia Ministry of health. She has expertise in diagnostics and treatment of children with developmental disorders, with special expertise in children with autism. She is skilled in using various psychometric instruments, assistive technology, as well as mobile technology and robotics in the treatments. She participated in many scientific projects, and published over 100 articles in domestic and international journals. Her educational activities include teaching in the field of developmental disorders within Bachelors, Masters and Specialization programs at the Medical Faculty.