Време: Петок, 22.06.2018, 10-11:30
Ве покануваме на поканетото предавање од Alexander Orozco (Amazon AI) кое ќе се одржи на 22.06.2018, 10-11:30 во Амфитеатарот на ФИНКИ. Предавањето ќе биде на тема “Success in perseverance”.
Alexander моментално работи во AI одделот на Amazon. Во продолжение е неговата кратка биографија.
Alexander Orozco is a serial entrepreneur, software engineer, and maker who started his first company at 19. After running 3 companies he returned to school at the University of Washington where he completed his degree in 2.5 years while working as a robotics and computer science teacher at various prestigious institutions. During his final year at university he published a paper on computer vision for extracting 3D data from 2D video streams. He is now a senior software engineer at amazon web services internal forecasting team.