ФИНКИ, во соработка со македонската IEEE секција, одделот за компјутери и одделот за теорија на информации, организира покането предавање од проф. Д-р Данило Глигороски од Норвешкиот универзитет за наука и технологија на тема:
Erasure codes in modern distributed storage systems.
Предавањето ќе се одржи во АМФ на ФИНКИ на 14.03.2017 година, со почеток во 12:00 часот.
Краток апстракт:
The most common technique for achieving reliability in data storage systems is the technique of simple data replication. When replication is used, the data is available as long as at least one copy still exists. The storage overhead of storing one extra replica is 100%, while it is 200% for 2 replicas and so forth. That means for large-scale storage systems the replication with its high storage overhead implies a high hardware cost (disk drives and associated equipment), as well as high operational costs that include building space, power, cooling, maintenance, etc. Therefore, it is very appealing to replace the replication with some other technique that offers less costly, yet similar level of reliability. Erasure coding has become a viable alternative to replication as it provides the same level of reliability with significantly less storage overhead. In this talk I will cover the development of erasure codes in modern distributed storage systems and some of the research activities that I have been involved in, within this area.
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