
Each student with IT background, who has an idea to implement ICT solutions in agriculture is invited to apply to the Incubator4digital farming project [https://www.incubator4digitalfarming.org/].
If you have an idea and would like the support of an expert team to make it an entrepreneurial reality, please apply using this page [https://www.incubator4digitalfarming.org/submit-your-idea].
You need only to shortly formulate in a few sentences the problem you are aiming to solve and the solution you are proposing. Based on this your idea will be evaluated by the expert board, and 10 ideas form Macedonia will qualify for the next rounds of mentoring and support. After that, the authors of the best ideas will get an opportunity for five days of intensive training and mentoring in Budapest, Hungary. At the end of the competition, the three winners will be chosen and they will get financial support also.
If you need more information regarding this call, please look at Guideline for applicant page [https://www.incubator4digitalfarming.org/guidelines-for-applicants/], and feel free to contact the project at
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The deadline for application is September 15, 2018