Утре (16.11.2017), Сорсикс ќе одржи гостинско предавање на ФИНКИ. Предавањето на тема Testing Web Applications ќе го одржи м-р Томче Делев, вработен како софтверски инженер и тренер (поранешен асистент на ФИНКИ).
Предавањето ќе започне во 12.00 часот во Барака 3.2.
Brief notice about the lecture: Introduction of various types of testing and testing pyramid with an emphasize on why unit testing is important for developers and how do other types of testing complement the unit testing.
We will “deep dive” into integration and unit testing and show strategies of practical usage in Spring Boot applications.
Also-short introduction to some of the most popular testing frameworks such as JUnit and Spock and introduction to mocking with mocking frameworks such as Mockito or EasyMock.
All welcome!